© 2010 Erika Boyer


a little blog about a little book on building and maintaining the relationship with your child


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TIME Magazine reader writes...

"I am a public-school teacher, and I'm intrigued by the idea of paying kids for results (for good grades), but I worry about the long-term effects [April 19].  School is where kids learn math and reading, but it's also where they learn how to be people.  Bribing kids in school has the potential to deeply warp our society in ways we might not understand."
Erika Englund, Berkeley, CA

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LeBron James Quote

(as quoted in WebMD magazine)
"Whatever my mom could do or could not do, I also knew that nobody was more important in her life than I was.  You have no idea how much that means when you grow up without so many of the basic things you should have.  You have no idea the security it gives you, how it can make you think, 'Man, I can get through this.  I can survive.'"

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