© 2010 Erika Boyer


a little blog about a little book on building and maintaining the relationship with your child


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CCHR: Psychiatry—Labeling Kids with Bogus 'Mental Disorders'

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Happy Mothers Day - Sarah McLachlan

Just when you think you can't take anymore, they smile at you and your heart melts and in an instant, all the feral animalistic thoughts recede. Our children have the ability to bring us to our knees, we weigh the depths of love and terror and wonder how could we ever go on without them?

They are our greatest teachers and harshest critics - our babies, born of our bodies and spirits to raise us to the highest office- motherhood. Love those babies well and love yourself even more, for you are witness to and part of an ongoing miracle. Life is rich, embrace it all, happy mothers day, 
Love Sarah

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Child's Feelings and Needs Chart

This chart gives some pointers that can be a quick reminder of some of the feelings that may be driving certain behaviours and furthermore some of the possible unmet needs that need to gain attention before the child can begin to feel better, hence act better. This can also be useful in helping a parent to re-frame a challenging situation when the parent becomes emotionally charged and has the urge to choose actions that escalate a situation.

  Child's Feelings and Needs Chart
from Peaceful Parent Institute - Heart-Based Parenting

Children Learn What They Live

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The Power of Words

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"Be careful how you speak to your children, one day it will become their inner voice." ~ Peggy O'Mara

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The most significant thing for a parent to contribute to anyone...

The most significant thing for a parent to contribute to anyone is their own Connection and their own stability. An effective parent is a happy parent. An effective parent is a parent who laughs easily and often; and who doesn't take things so seriously.
--- Abraham

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